While they are still longer and thicker than they were when I initially started using RapidLash, they are nowehere near how they were after 3 months of usage. Here it is for comparison:

I know eyelashes fall out and re-grow all the time, but I was expecting to see so many fall out at once. I also found that more fell out from my right eye than left one, so my eyelashes are looking a bit silly at the moment. Not a massive difference, but I can definitely see it. So why did it happen? I have no idea. I'm also not sure if I should continue using RapidLash or not. At one point I was scared all my eyelashes will fall out, although luckily they didn't and I noticed I had lots of new stumpy ones instead of the long ones. But the thing is, I don't really want to end up with wonky eyelashes in another 3-4 months' time. Also having to fork out £41 on a tube that gave me longer eyelashes for a few months, just to be back to square 1 (okay, 2), is not really great. I thought once I've achieved a nice length and thickness, I can maintain it with 2-3 applications a week, but now I have to do it daily again to re-grow my new stumpy lashes. While I'm not keen on going back to my original lashes (they do look tiny in the comparison photos), I'm also not happy to have to go through losing and re-growing my lashes every 4-5 months. Sigh.
Has this happened to anyone else? Let me know in the comments!
See more photos after the jump!