Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Hope 2013 is a good one! Have you got any resolutions? I don't really, but I will continue with my diet and excercise plan ones I'm finished with all the yummy food in the house. I did really well in the 3 months before Christmas and lost 19 lbs (8.5 kgs), so definitely want to get back to it.

Beauty-wise, I will try to buy less, blah blah blah, but in all fairness I don't expect to. I do need to keep going with my lipstick/lipgloss no-buy for the whole of 2013 (maybe allow myself a few, but definitely not many). I will aim to do lots of reviews and keep up with the blogging for sure, I love it and hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

Now, without further ado:

PS. I'll be doing one or two 2012 favourites posts later in the week, but I won't have time until Wednesday when my husband and children are going away to my in-laws for 3 days. Until then, feel free to let me know if you had any favourite products in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year :) I don't really do resolutions - doomed to fail really. Looking forward to more of your reviews in 2013 - definitely guaranteed to make any no-buy resolutions fail :) :)
