Monday, 28 February 2011

Mac Pleasureflush dupe alert! Laura Geller Blush n Brighten Boysenberry/Amaretti

My blog gets a number of hits from people searching for images and info on Mac Pleasureflush mineralize skinfinish, so I decided to do a post that is hopefully useful for those wanting to try it this wonderful highlighter. As Pleasureflush was a limited edition in 2004, it is now very hard to find and sells for an absolute fortune on eBay. (There is a used one - and by used I mean not just lightly used, but properly half used up - on eBay at £43 plus shipping right now, I'm very curious to see how much it will sell for eventually! * EDIT: It sold for a whopping £71!) I think I paid around $80 for mine, but they go for as much as $100 new. So I thought I'd show you a very very good dupe I have found for it (it's 98% similar I'd say).

It is Laura Geller Blush n Brighten in Boysenberry Highlighter in Amaretti. I know, this is a blush and therefore not a dupe for Pleasureflush, but take a look at the highlighter section and you will find a beautiful light pink powder with golden veining. Remind you of anything? Let's take a closer look:

Now take a look at the close up of Pleasureflush MSF! See?!

Amaretti has the same smooth, finely milled texture as Pleasureflush, it's trully gorgeous. The only difference I can see is that Amaretti might be very slightly frostier, but blended out it hardly shows. I believe the blush was part of a set and isn't available on its own from QVC/Laura Geller, but I have seen a lot around on eBay, they cost around $25. It's 9 g in weight (Pleasureflush is 10 g, so slightly bigger) and I would estimate the highlighter portion to be around 3 g. The blush itself is really pretty too, it's a matte dusky rosy pink, has no shimmer to it at all. It works really well with the highlighter.  

Here are some more pictures of the two side by side:

Finally I have done comparison swatches for you, I have included lots of them under different lighting. Pleasureflush is always on the left, Amaretti on the right. Any questions, please ask in the comments!

Blended out:

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