Tuesday, 28 September 2010

New Cid Cosmetics i-glow powder in Coral Crush and i-gloss in Coral Candy

Thanks to Charlotte at Lipglossiping telling us about the new Coral Crush i-glow shimmer powder and Coral Candy i-gloss from New Cid Cosmetics, I had to order them both as they are so pretty. I already owned two of the i-glow shimmer powders (Sirocco and Ice Pop - reviews to follow later) and an i-gloss and really liked them, so was quite happy to place an order online without seeing them in person. Unfortunately there's no New Cid Cosmetics counter near me (I think the closest is in Selfridges in London), so if I wanted them, I didn't really have a choice anyway. Well, I could've waited until I next go to London, but I am very impatient, so that was never going to happen!

I got my order last week and I can tell you it was love at first sight with the shimmer powder. The gloss is very nice too, but the powder, oh my...!

It is quite simply one of the prettiest powders I have ever seen. It's pinky coral with cool pink and gold veining, well not so much veining, as they are thicker than veins, more like patches. Very similar to Mac Mineralize Skinfinishes and Laura Geller Blush 'n' Brighten blushes, I think both are 9 g, so is this. Coral Crush is pretty frosty, so it's not for those wanting something without shimmer, but it isn't glittery and it is very smooth, fine powder. The compact also has a mirror inside it, something that's missing from the Mac MSFs. It's more expensive at £23.50 though.

The lipgloss isn't shimmery at all, it's also non-sticky, but it is quite sheer and the colour isn't quite the same on my lips as it is in the tube. It comes with one of those light up wands (there are two small light bulb in the handle that come on when you unscrew it) and has a mirror on the side of the tube. It's quite funky, but I personally don't like the light as it's a very cold blue light, so the gloss looks very different when I'm applying it. I gues it's cool when you're clubbing and want to reapply your gloss in the dark. :) I don't do that anymore. The gloss retails at £15.50 which also puts it in a higher price bracket from Mac.

See some more pictures and swatches of the powder and lipgloss.

I have also compared Coral Crush to some of the coral blushes that I own. Firstly here's a comparison picture showing Coral Crush next to Mac Springsheen blush, Mac Stereo Rose MSF, Nars Orgasm and Super Orgasm blushes. I'd say it's probably closest to Nars Orgasm, but it's not a dupe (it is much frostier than O, and not glittery at all).

Top row: Springsheen, Coral Crush, Stereo Rose, Orgasm
Bottom row: Super Orgasm

Top row: Springsheen, Coral Crush, Stereo Rose, Orgasm
Bottom row: Super Orgasm

Top row: Springsheen, Coral Crush, Stereo Rose, Orgasm
Bottom row: Super Orgasm

Here's Coral Crush next to Laura Geller's Blush 'n' Brighten in Golden Apricot. Quite similar to look at, but Golden Apricot is definitely warmer and less frosty.

Coral Crush, Golden Apricot

Coral Crush, Golden Apricot

Coral Crush, Golden Apricot

Finally, a picture of me wearing Coral Crush and Coral Candy.

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